Aperture - The f-stop, or the size of the shutter opening.
Close Down - reduce the amount of light hitting the film by closing the aperture to a smaller opening, or reducing the amount of time the shutter is open
F-stop - Same as aperture.
F-number - The number associated with the f-stop.
   A large number is a tiny opening
   A small number is a large opening)
Open Up - increase the amount of light hitting the film by opening the aperture to a larger opening, or increasing the amount of time the shutter is open
Reciprocity - Well, that's what the article is on...
Reciprocity Failure - When exposure TIME reaches a certain point (either VERY long or VERY short), the reciprocity relationship fails, and more exposure TIME is needed.
Shutter Speed - The amount of time the shutter is open.
Stop - A step up or down in the exposure.
   ie 1/125 is one stop more light than 1/250
   f11 is one stop more light than f16
Stop Down - Reduce the amount of light hitting the film by closing the aperture to a smaller opening, or reducing the amount of time the shutter is open.
Wide Open - The aperture is as large as it can get.
If your lense is a 400mmf5.6, then at a setting of f5.6 your lense is wide open
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